Career Management Services

Job hunting consulting & mentorship

With over 30 years working in Corporate Australia, Peta L Lowry knows what corporations are looking for when recruiting new staff.

Securing your first job, looking to move from your current job, changing industries, careers and/or even countries is an increasingly challenging task these days.

Learning how to present yourself, your unique academic qualifications, skills and experience is not only soul searching but also difficult when you’re on the inside looking out.

Peta and her team work with you to understand your best saleable skills and abilities, and work with you to develop a plan that you’ll be able to implement to secure your next dream job!

We have mentored and supported over 60 Italian individuals, families and companies with their relocation, business development and career management goals.

Take a look at some of the CV / Resume transformation the English in Italia team have completed:

If you’re stuck in a job that’s limiting your abilities and dream of escaping and finding your ideal job, get in touch so we can arrange a free introductory meeting and review how we will be able to support you in achieving your career goals.

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